Sunday, December 20, 2015

My Kawaii pixel Polaroid frame

Hello everyone! Today I make my own Polariod frame, simple
but it's kawaii! You can *insert your own picture here* or anything you like or maybe you can download it? tehee`~.. I make it via Ps6 . I know I'm not an expert or a pro like but atleast I'll try. ^_^ *Note* The background you see in my polariod it's not mine or I did not claim it's mine unless I say it was mine however, I saw it on google so why not I can use it to my polariod frame design? yeah!
ehehe and I add some a little decoration..  I'm dong this for fun only and I definitely enjoying it!.. ^_^

ヽ(・∀・)ノso here it is! Tadaahh!  "My 5  Kawaii pixel Polaroid frame" ヽ(・∀・)ノ

maybe next time I'll try my own pixel design.. >.< What do you think? It's cute or nay?

I hope you like it!

( ´∀`)ノ~ ♡ Thank you!

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