Sunday, February 7, 2016

My simple way of baby skin flawless!

Hello Everyone ..  Today,  I am happy to share you about my secret.. Secret eh? Yes it is secret! ;)  My secret is for having like a baby skin flawless.. .Now, How to get a  simple way of baby skin flawless like a Southeast Asian girl like Me? Well, it is very simple.. a simple way.. And I know some of you know about this but this is my way and my secret for having like a babyskin and I'm sure you gonna love it! Are you ready?

First, If you want to look your skin looks like a babyskin you must Drink lots of water! Yep!  Atleast eight glasses of water a day or every day to provide our body and give our skin what it needs to stay healthy.

Second, or Try the coconut water. Because the Coconut water is a great source of essential minerals and is also low in calories. So it said to lighten the skin, while also leaving it soft and supple. But you can also try drinking coconut water to hydrate skin from the inside out and it will flush your body of any toxins (acidic waste) making your skin appear more radiant.

Third,  Use the Aloe Vera. Why? Because the  Aloe Vera is good for the skin.. Yep it is really good! Absolutely good! The sap of the aloe Vera plant is a very soothing natural substance, which helps to heal burns and other skin wounds, so you can use it as often as you like with no fear of side effects.. It is also very moisturizing and encourages skin rejuvenation - which can help to fade any dark patches and lighten skin.

Fourth, Try some a fresh lemon juice or a calamansi.. I know you might love lemonade or calamansi, but your skin love lemons even more.You know what this fruits is packed with many nutrients, so it’s not only healthy as a food but can also be used in home remedies to treat numerous skin disorders.

It may sound too good to be true, but because lemons and calamansi are antibacterial, they can help treat acne and oily complexion. It can also clean and whiten your dark areas like armpit, bikini area, neck, elbow and knees. Just simply rub them with half of a lemon and calamansi.. And so on – so many things that this little small fruit can do – wow….!

Fifth, The more important is to use or to apply the Milk for your skin or you can drink it.. Because the Milk can moisturize, cleanser and exfoliate the skin  and it can gives a  proteins, mineral and vitamin in your skin, not only reduce existing wrinkles but also halt the new one. And The Milk can help lighten the tan and dark patches. For the Sensitive skin it also helps in soothing the red irritated skin when used as a cleanser. By the way, you can also use the whole fat fresh milk; however if dryness persists, shift to fresh milk cream or lotion..

Sixth, Try raw potato. Because a raw potato is more like a mild bleaching which is naturally clear and  lighten skin, due to the high quantities of vitamin C. Especially when you, Applied a raw potato in your under eye it improves the texture and tone to fading under-eye circles and soon your skin will look better than ever.

Seventh, Take some good Vitamins. The best vitamins for the skin are Vitamins D, B, C, E, K .. Because the vitamins are great for the skin, It can gives a healthy and nourish the skin. It can also help keep your skin looking not only healthy, but also years younger.

And the last,.. Follow the steps of my  Natural Basic tips  for even Glowing skin.

Thank you! >.< 

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