Friday, December 28, 2012

I ♥ Red Boots

Red Boots: ♥

Hello Everyone!..
Happy Friday`~♥ 
Belated Merry Christmas...Ok, let's welcome the New year coming 2013! 
4 days to go! 

Oh, Anyway, I really Love this Boots!... And I wear this with High Knee-Sock, yeah!,

with a Polka dots truffles!...

I bought last 3 weeks from the mall. It is super sale, Because its Christmas sale..ehehehe...

Before $ 18.50 (PHP 832.5) but now I spent only $ 10.00 (PHP 450)..
The price depends on different size. Me, I'm just having a problem with my small feet because my size is 35 and hard to find exactly what my size is! The price is so little expensive.. If my size is 37 up to! then the price it will be $7 or 8!.. It's Unfair!..Hmmmp, But it's okay I love my feet and it's unique..,ahahha...

It looks cute isn't it?..

Actually, I hate the color of red. But well it's Christmas season, Yeah! and there's nothing wrong about it so I bought it immediately AHhahaha ..Anyway, this Boots will be my favorite shoes right now! Because the red is the color of a Christmas but I cannot wear it regularly.. =( 
ahahha Nevermind... =D 

Hope you're having a fabulous  Friday!

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