Sunday, March 6, 2016

My On-The-Job Training Journal 2015-2016

Hello everyone,
 so today I'm writing about what happen to me this 2nd semester in my school year. And you know what,  Finally I am a graduating student. I'm Happy so much! 
Anyway, I am really sorry for not posting again here in my blog because I am so busy lately. So here I am, writing about this what happen to me or experiences about during my On The Job Training Program for short OJT.

What's OJT? - OJT or On-Job-Training is the activity of the students where in they are trained or prepared to a certain job or career. It is also a requirement of  a course before graduation. The students are assigned in different branches of government of private offices wherein they are assigned or perform their work to prepare and exposed themselves to a chosen career.

                    I have my OJT in PLO or Province of Legal Office at the Provincial Capitol of Sultan Kudarat (Government Agency and Institution). At first I feel so nervous and excited as well,it was hard for me to interact with them, come to think of it, they were professionals and I’m just a student trainee. I just trained myself to act like a professional like them so that it will be easy for me to work with them. As time goes by, I found myself working harmoniously with them, the employees there was so nice and good to me and they treat each other as a family.

For More Information or details about my OJT work or the destination of my work. Just go here or enter here 


 ehehe if I'm bored and alone in the office and my co-employees are not not yet in. So this is my first things to do. ;) 

Month of December

December 7,2016

                      Today is my first day of OJT and I was told that I will be assigned at the Province of Legal Office (PLO) with Atty. Macabangan A. Alamada and with his fellow employees. At first, I was a little nervous because it was my first time and I don’t have any companions then I introduce myself to them that I will be assign in this office. Since it is my first day just like an "interview session" they were asking typical questions like where do I study, what course am I taking up, how many hours is required for my OJT, etc..They don't know yet what will be my task so instead of wasting my time doing nothing they asked me to watch what they are doing and if I am curious of anything I am free to ask them about it. But for now I have no works to do yet and I just observe.

December 8,2016
                              After  my class. I am excited today on what things would I’ll be going. The second day of my  OJT. I was told to do list down the names of all the clients and their schedules to when they will return to the office.

December 10, 2015
                               Today is Thursday and my third day of my OJT. I have nothing to do for now but just to watch and observe the clients coming in to the office to have the documents sign by the fiscal Atty. Alamada.

December 11, 2015

                              This day is Friday. As usual it is the same day as yesterday. I just observe again how they work well and also the clients keep coming in to the office to have the documents sign again by the Fiscal Atty. Alamada.

December 14, 2015

                                              It’s Monday and 5th days of my OJT. Today is decorating time in the office. I help them of course to decorate the things and to put the Christmas balls into the Christmas tree. After that, back to my table and sort out some papers for filing.

December 15, 2015
                                   Tuesday again in December. The sixth day of my life in OJT. Today they teach me and let me to encode and print some documents and I am very happy that I have works to do. My works done in 3 hours and after that my ate’s and kuya gave me some snacks. So then by the 2:30 pm I must go to school for my MGT 202 Human Behavior in Organization because I have my class around 3pm.

Month of January

January 04, 2016

Happy New YEAR!

                          Today is Monday and back to school again. It was such a great day because I have a free snacks from my ate’s and kuya..Ehehehe … Anyway, my kuya wants me to help him to finish his Daily Time Record (DTR) and I did for the rest of the employees recording the DTR.

January 06, 2016

                        The following day, Wednesday. I did the same work recording the DTR.

January 07, 2016

                            Thursday. Today I learn and starting to mingle with my ate’s and kuya and ask for their concern. At first I felt so nervous and shy. But I need to do this so I have to learn socialize and talk to them in a nice and respectful manner.

January 08, 2016
                            The Friday. I arrive in the office at 8 am in the morning. And  of course I greeted one of the employees and ask him where is everybody?  Then he said they are not yet in. So I waited until they came. I was told to file some of the documents.

 January 12, 2016

            I feel bored already of doing the same thing but still I have to maintain a mind when I had my first day the vision of learning new things and the emotion of excitement so that I can fulfill my duty every day. I did the same thing filing of documents and I was told to stamped the documents with the official seal. 
 January 13, 2016

I came to the office. Ma’am Monera asked me to check if all the documents in the box were logged into the record book and she wants me to distribute it to the corresponding personnel and let them sign the record book. After I finished the checking, as usual stamping documents and giving documents.

January 14, 2016

                         Thursday. My job is to record and copy their Daily Time Record (DTR) and still stamping the documents with the official seal. 

January 25, 2016

                                                    Today is Monday, My first time to attend the flag ceremony. Every Monday at exactly 7:30 am the government employees had their general assembly and performing the flag ceremony our National Anthem. After that, I did the usual stuff again :)

January 26, 2016

Today is Tueday.  As usual I did the same thing as yesterday. Recording and copying their Daily Time Record (DTR) and still stamping the documents with the official seal. 

January 28, 2016

Today is Thursday. My task for today was to collect and organize all the documents and file.

Just another boring day but worthy.

January 29, 2016

Friday. I logged in early and cleaned the office for not more than 15 minutes every day. I organized and sorted out their files, photocopy and printed out important documents, download attachments from email, and send reports and different attachments to the higher office thru email. I also stamping the documents with the official seal.  

Month of February

February 09, 2016

 Tuesday is no work to do yet but I really appreciated the effort that they accepted me and considered me as their co- employee. There are lots of things that I can say that I’ll never forget, from the day I walk in the Office of the Provincial Legal Office. I met people who I enjoyed being with through their jokes, trips and even their smiles. What I learned in my workplace is being hard working, even though it’s tiring. And keeping a smile on your face brings you warm-heart welcome as they smile back.

February 11, 2016

Wednesday, No work to do but still I always enjoyed my on-the-job training at the office of the Provincial Legal Office. I learned a lot of things especially the basic office works, the observation of the office, the standard office rules and procedures and most of all the pleasant employees relationships.
Even if it’s not related in my course.

February 12, 2016

 Today is Friday and now work for me to do but all the good experiences in here office, knowledge, skills and camaraderie’s I acquired during my OJT at Provincial Legal Office will be most cherished at all. 

February 15, 2016

               Monday!  Sometimes in our Office is really a busy day in the Provincial Legal office. I do the filing of check documents and photocopying it and as usual stamping the documents with the official seal. 

 February 16, 2016

 Today I did the same thing as what I did yesterday. Filing of important documents of the office Provincial Legal office and it is not just one or two but it’s plenty. Photocopy ingthe documents and contracts. Stamping  again the documents with the official seal. 

February 17, 2016

Wednesday. My simple task for today is to file the important documents of Provincial Legal office and arrange the files in its proper arrangement.

 February 18, 2016

        Photocopy the business permits and basic contracts  are ask by Ma’am Monera  and this abundant papers were being file into a huge clearbook for something purposes. These documents will be submitted today Afternoon. So I must to do it now and fast!

February 22, 2016

Today is Monday and I have a two OJT-mates. They are two boys and they have the same course of Information Technology (I.T). There are all ahead of me doing the on the job training and then they are interested to work in here office. Just because one of them are relatives of Mr. Atty. Alamada.  Yeah  Anyway,  for now  since I have a new mates we have nothing to do but just to watch and observe the clients coming in to the office to have the documents stamp.

February 23, 2016

Tuesday.  My jobs was not changes , but the most of my works is to watch and to observe the clients coming in to the office, stamping the document and especially the organizing and filing the documents, because every time they need a document it’s easy to find it.

February 24, 2016

Wednesday. I did the same day as yesterday. Nothing Change.

February 25, 2016

Thursday.  I did the same day as yesterday. Nothing Change.

February 26, 2016

It’s Friday  so no work Today. Because it’s our EDSA DAY!

February 29, 2016

The Last day of the month of February.  It seems like time is flying so fast. Now, it's the last week for the month of February. I am working here for almost a month now and I feel like I've been here for a longer time. With a month of my stay here I already gained and learned many things from my trainer and my co-employees. Watching, observing , stamping, organizing and filing the documents updating is still part of my job so I always see to it that I've done it right before I go home.

Month of March

March 1, 2016

It’s Tuesday and I don’t have any regret in spending my OJT here. By this time I am now used to every work I will do. But still I always seek for guidance so that I won’t make any mistakes. Also is a bonding moment with my office mates and I’m glad because they never treat me like I don’t belong with them. Because of these people I felt like I am an employee which made me want to work here after graduation. But of course, I did the same day and my daily routine work.

March 2, 2016
                                           Another Wednesday morning to report on my on the job training. Since it is my 34th week, I am getting used of waking up early, wearing my OJT uniform as if I am really employed in the Government office. Even my schedules is hectic because I am a graduating student and I have left of my subjects but I still arrive an hour earlier to my schedule, which is a good impression for me as a trainee. Just like my everyday task, so I start working again. Just like what I did yesterday.  After I'm done my work, at the end of time of 2:30pm I must go to school for my subject in P.E 104 because I have my class around 3pm.

March 3, 2016

Another beautiful Thursday and my 33th day at work.  My daily tasks it’s just the same as yesterday. Nothing changed again. However, I experienced a lot of things as if I’m one of them as employee. I did my best as one of them which is really good for me and being proud of myself. 

March 4, 2016

So fast Approaching! Today is Friday and my 34th day working in the Provincial Government of the Province Legal Office (PLO) with Fiscal Atty. Macabangan Alamada.  Everyday I arrived an hour earlier in the office. So I'm gonna wait for my office mates in the office. Same as days before, watching, observing, stamping, organizing and filing the documents and also copying their Daily Time Record (DTR).
This task is so awesome and I should not forget doing this one everyday. Ahahaha
Without noticing, another work day is done. I accomplished another 8 hours of work.

March 7, 2016

A beautiful Monday and my 35th day at work. Today my task in the office is so simple and my daily routine work. You know what I mean is. Ehehe Tomorrow will be my last day in the office so now I have to ready my requirements for my last OJT.  

March 8, 2016

This day is my last day in the Province of Legal Office (PLO) and we have a lots of happy memories today. It’s a right day that all the employees and the new OJT students are all present in the office so I have a chance for picture taking with them. I appreciate all the days/time we are in the office in a very short time. All the employee are so good to me and of course the new mates and they are very kind. Thanks for the happy days that we served to them and they treat us good.

 However, recently I’ve been busy with school works. Requirements actually or should I say paperwork’s for both OJT and graduation. This whole graduation thing is making me CRAZY. REALLY CRAZY.  I need to deal with the society and the reality of life and to mention for that I’ve looking for a job thru internet and random searches and still need to finish my FINAL requirement for my OJT adviser, still now working on my weekly OJT diary and I am running out of reads my blog anyway…so i don’t mind posting randomly.. Urrgghh! everyday I worry about how to survive the day with only few bucks on my wallet. I am being NOSTALGIC right now.

                                                                               Happy Reading 

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