Monday, May 30, 2016

What happened to me few days and months!?

 Uhhmmn... Hello? Does anyone remember me these days? Well, I'm just a random girl who always loves cute things, I love styling and mixing turning into a cute fashions like kpop and Jpop style and ofcourse I used to blog about uhhmn well something crazy crazzziness whatever I like to write! or it's called a randomly simple freaking adorable weeirdoboo . Ahahha Weird huh? Somehow I ended up putting my blog on hold.Yeah sorry about that!

So, what happened to me few days and months eh? Life, Study mostly. Busy of course, my Time is running out,..  I must finished it or else my life is over.. ahaha You have no Idea how much I had to earned, and spent my time to worked, struggled, stressed, depressed due to my school's requirements and activities, OJT (On the Job-Training),my homeworked and Exams whether to pass or fail..Fortunately, Yes! With the blessings of God, I passed all my subjects and school's requirements..Yey! Simply put. I graduated a 4 years Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of  Arts Major in Political Science in Philippines) in a Final date of March 20,2016.. Yeah! 

Anyway, Vacations?  I went for a short vacation trip to my my~House Ahahhaha lol  just kidding, I always stayed at home in my house ahhaa Until now I lived in my parent's house.. yes my parent's house.. I'm not a partier but I love to stay home and go fun like an adventurer..I love adventures and go different places.. Ahahaha

 Now lately, I am busy thinking what's on my career should be! So I ended up to find a job at least I wanted to try for experienced though want to earn and save money for my needs and future..Yeah I need to be a practical.. But Sad to say, I am not qualified for the job I entered.. Know why? Because I am not an Accounting and Business Graduate Ahahha How sad!? Maybe it's not time for me to work but's It's Okay.. I know that God has a better plans for Me! So I wait and Wait and Wait.... 

Until the Month of May came.. hihihi... My Mom wants me to proceed to a Bachelor of laws. She motivates me and said it's my opportunity while I'm young ahahha  I don't hesitate so I grab it! Well, At first I just got nervous to tried it and it's my first time to take an Entrance Exams (School of Law) at the University, and know what's next? I can't believe I passed a first test (an IQ test) and a second test (Essay Exam) and the last is the Final Interview.. Wphew! See how great is God is! Thanks be to God! I know it's not easy to proceed to a Bachelor of laws and I must to dig and dig and to dig deeper more and more and to plant a seeds so that til' the end seeds grow  .. ;)  Be careful not to fail huhuhu I need to reach my goal .. Wish me Luck! ^_^
So that's what happen to me these few days and months.. AHahaha yeah It's obviously that I'm busy with my career and preparing for my better future life.. ;) hihihihi Eventhough I love cute things in life, childish, weird, weaboo and peekaboo Ahahha Yeah I know It's invisible and misfit for me to do this things! Ahaha LOL Wake up! This is the real, reality in life! not a pabebe(childish). Must be practical or else your life will be disaster unless you know how to handle it.. Of course I and You can do it! ;) Just think positive! 

   Anyway,  I cannot promise you that the content will be brought to you on a regular schedule. Hope you understand Because this week of June, starting to chronic stress and overly busy life again.. Haayy back again! However, my life is not over ehehe this blog is simply a free time interest of mine and not an obligation, nor a job. Ahaha But I will do my best to bring this more kawaii and craziness life and to fill it with creativity and inspiration, sharing my thoughts and opinions with you. hihihi ;) 
The main theme of this blog will, just as before, Craziness Ahahha be and all sorts of fun things. And also there will eventually be reviews, monthly favourites, DIY's and new tutorials. As well as some of my Happy life, cuteness overload, my personal rambling about my freaking adorable weeirdoboo life. Haha!


So So I welcome you all, my dear readers to my Happy Crazy Life to read my blog. Hopefully some of you will enjoying to visit this place every now and then.. Have Fun! And Thanks for dropping Bye! <3 b="" mmuuwaahhhh="" nbsp="">

P.S. It's my new username MagicalNekoTeacup!  Well, I always loves to change and to explore something more kawaii! AHahaha ;) 

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