Friday, June 3, 2016

Review: NYX Matte Lipstick BLS08 Butter Lipstick

Hi Everyone! Sorry for not active this lately.. Yeah! You know I must do my first priority -just click here if you want to know-  hihihi ㅎㅅㅎ

Anyway I'm happy to share you again about my Lipstick short review this time.. Today,  I tried the Matte Lipstick of the BLS08 Butter Lipstick from NYX..  So far, this thing is soo ammazzing and It would be a nice idea to try them.. I know you gonna love 'em.! Ever since I first saw it on my friend because

she's selling it.. Especially those price is very affordable and my face looks like woaw! How cool it is!Very cute so I bought this without hesitate and I had to get one of the NYX Matte Lipstick!~amazing! The Lipstick are really butter and they have a cute pattern simple! Let's take a look on how they good are! ;)

Oh I love that simple and cute but sexy looks lipstick and also Love the new cute black box that contains your Lipstick. I already fall in love about this.  And Yep! I definitely recommend this one, it's still really amazing and I had no problem about this...

Look! This one is my favorite spot.. See that small cute white Heart Shape eh? Very simple and Sexy.. I know it will fits everyone one of you gals..

The design is simple and perfect to blend to natural any skin color, the middle you see, looks like a white transparent that you can see the true color of the lipstick. I can't believe how natural it is! You can use it for anything you like.. Arggh!they're so perfect and comfy for daily use and maybe you can be a bit too natural for cosplay even if the color is really visible and also like Gothic,and J and K-fashion outfits. Etc!..                           
This lipstick is $2.22 (PHP 99.9)!
 Very cheap & cheerful~ (。・ω・。)ノ❤

Fantastic lipstick! Glides on so smoothly, and lasts for hours. I wore it all day and only had to reapply three times after drinking.( ´∀`) The color was mostly there, but I like the slight shine from a fresh application. The lipstick didn't leave any residue before being re-applied. This is an issue I have had with other lipsticks which are the same price.

As you can see, It is very creamy and not easily melt but it easily takes damage if your'e not taking good care of therm so it is very important to be careful when using the bullet on your lips~ Too much pressure it'll snap (=ω=;) - The bullet above are cause by putting the lipstick cap back on.

The lipstick is the usual twist-up mechanism~ The lipstick bullet is not at all shakey but take care when twist-up to avoid the           bullet getting damaged.

A very pretty Butter looks like a violet pink colour!~❤ It's looks a bit warm toned in but when you applied is different.
Because, It has already a matte lipstick, very comfy and light shade to it on and it gives a finish perfect to the lips (○´∀`○)

Natural Shade
This lipstick have a really cute and natural purple tone, it's really different from the usual violet, this is lighter than the others and more lilac then the classic deep violet ones, with a different light it can look like pink!  
Very Light shade

*You can put it natural shade.

*Or  You can add it for very light shade.

* Or You can add it more darker.. Deep.. Ahahaha 

Dark Shade
I chose this because it looked more like a Violet pink that would suit my full Uhmmnn Thin lips ~ teehee`~I want to experiment more & its been a struggle so far! ( ;´Д`)

Well, I have a fair in my light tan skin. My lips are pink and thin and lipsticks are always too light. This is probably as close for me as I can get, just a little more pink. I love it! (○´∀`○)❤

Yeah! it gives a very natural yet  pink colour  and I find this colour is just enough for me & of course, you can intensify the colour.

Despite the formula, its lightweight & does not feel sticky and not greasy~ However, I love the colour but I have a little bit of a hard time applying the lipstick. It does apply smoothly on lips (even dry lips!) with no tugging but its very smeary and settles in the lines of lips.  (´・ω・`)

There is only a slight difference compared between the front and the side. The fronts looks more violet pink & the side is looks like a natural light uhmm something purpleish pink ahahaha However, It does not appear such a big difference in real life than how it looks in photos!~❤~

Looks like It creates an absolutely gorgeous butter (violet) pink~ It looks very uhhmn natural and sexy simple and definitely reminds me of a gothic shade (。・ω・。)ノ  ahahha It makes my lips look okay and I find it looks sexy with my fair skin!❤

I Love it!~ (○´∀`○)❤
This little cutie does give a gorgeous matte colour that does I find flatters me and this one works!
It does not makes look ghostly and- It's just a perfect Lipstick to you guys.❤

I Like: 
👍🏻Super cheap - $2.22 (PHP 99.9)!
👍Comes in many different -colours but I chose this ahaha
👍Does not melt easily
👍🏻Tiny handbag-able size - Damn Prettycute!
👍🏻Applies well and Good Formula
👍🏻Gives a beautiful matte that I adore
👍🏻Lightweight - does not make my lips feel 'suffocated'
👍🏻Glides on so smoothly and lasts for hours

What I Hate:
A bit dry but not totally dry lipstick ahaha
It easily takes damage if your'e not taking good care of therm
The lipstick bullet is very delicate.

So overall, again I love the colour and how easy the lipstick is to pop into my purse.. But for $2.22 (PHP 99.9)? Damn Pretty worth it!

Have a wonderful day! 

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